Individual Equity Learning Journey
Welcome. Whatever brought you to this page, we’re glad you’re here.
When you’ve grown up seeing the world a particular way, it can be unsettling, confusing, and personal to realize how much you’ve never considered or been exposed to.
The value of continual self-reflection, humility, and learning couldn’t be overstated. Please start here, stay longer than you think you should, and come back again and again.
See what impacts how each of us interprets the world
There is so much more to the world than we realize. We all have biases, and it’s critical to know what they are.
The Danger of a Single Story by Chimamanda Adichie (TED Talk)
What Does My Headscarf Mean To You? by Yassmin Abdel-Magied (TED Talk)
Three Kinds of Bias That Shape Your Worldview by J. Marshall Shepherd (TED Talk)
Be curious about realities, identities, and histories
Start to see what you don’t know you don’t know. Learning history is critical to understanding the present. As you learn, follow links and look up references you don’t know. Whenever possible, buy books from locally owned stores and/or directly from the authors themselves.
Seeing White series on Scene on Radio with John Biewen (Podcast episodes)
Code Switch from National Public Radio (Podcast)
White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack by Peggy McIntosh (Reading hosted on
A Forgotten History of How the U.S. Government Segregated America (Radio)
NYT 1619 from the New York Times (Series of articles)
Explaining White Privilege to a Broke White Person by Gina Crosley-Corcoran (Article)
The Stigma of Poverty: In Conversation with Rebecca de Souza from the MIT Press Reader (Article)
The Realities of Being Poor by Rita Templeton (Article)
Why I Came Out as Being Poor by Stephanie Land (Article)
The Credibility Gap: How Sexism Shapes Human Knowledge by Soraya Chemaly (TEDx Talk on YouTube)
Nancy with Tobin Low and Kathy Tu (Podcast)
Stone Butch Blues by Leslie Feinberg (Book)
All My Relations with Matika Wilbur and Adrienne Keene (Podcast)
Realize your role and how you are impacted
We all play a role in systems that elevate some at the cost of oppressing others.
Why Judging People For Buying Unhealthy Food is Classist by Wiley Reading (Article)
Internalizations by (Diagrams)
Four Types of Racism by (Diagram created by
White Fragility by Robin D’Angelo (Book)
Me and White Supremacy by Layla F. Saad (Book)
Practice allyship
‘Ally’ is a verb, not a noun. It is a description others use for you, not a title you claim yourself. You don’t need to insert yourself into communities that aren’t yours - practice in spaces where you already belong, and have a role and a voice. Think about your workplace, your community groups, and your family.
5 Tips for Being an Ally by Franchesca Ramsey (YouTube Video on Chescaleigh)
How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Discussing Race by Jay Smooth (TEDx Talk on YouTube)
Anatomy of an Ally by Carrie Gaffney (Article)
Learn from others on this journey
It’s important to remember that you are not alone on this ongoing learning journey.
Privileged by Kyle Korver (Article)
Becoming a Parent Forced Me to Finally Confront White Supremacy by Rebecca Ruiz (Article)
Follow people sharing their story
Look across multiple social platforms (Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, etc.) *Note - links go to websites for access to all social platforms unless creators use/are known for a single platform
@lgbt_history by Matthew Riemer and Leighton Brown (Instagram)
Ash Hardell (YouTube)
Jessica Kellgren-Fozard (YouTube)