Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

Resources for Equity, Diversity, Justice, and Inclusion

We acknowledge that many of our resources provided belows focus on race. This is not an assertion that this topic is more important than others, rather that this is topic we have a great deal of growth and learning to do around. We believe that learning about any particular type of identity and power is a process.

We’re always learning and if there’s a need for a resource or you need support, please let us know and we can add it to this resource library. Contact with questions or requests.

Resources for Individual Learning

Here you can find a list of resources broken down into smaller learning modules that encourage humility, self-reflection, and a growth mindset. This includes resources on bias, identity, history, privilege, allyship, and others.

Resources from Beyond Statements

Here you can find a list of resources sourced from the Beyond Statements Calls (2020-2023). All resources were contributed by participants.

Resources for Organizational Management

eeGuidance for Equitable Pay and Hiring in Environmental Education

The new eeGuidance for Equitable Pay and Hiring document provides research that supports making changes in key areas like pay and benefits, position design, recruitment, processes, and practices. It also outlines specific minimum standards for employers to enact immediately.

MEEA's Executive Director Olivia Griset was an advisor on this national eeGuidance project. Please reach out to her at

Resources for Educators

Check out these resources and more on our Educator Support page!