Nature Based Education Consortium grows!

In the past two years a diverse group of Maine organizations has converged around a shared vision of deepening youth connections to nature through learning, service, and leadership. This group has been called the Nature Based Education Consortium (NBEC). The Consortium has a steering committee and multiple task forces (Advocacy and Policy, Communications, and Understanding the State of Nature-based Education in Maine) and has developed a shared ​vision:

​In twenty years, Maine is known as a place where our schools and other means for educating young people are key elements in vibrant communities connected to the natural landscapes of Maine - the lands, waterways, and ocean. Maine students understand the connection between their health and the health of the natural world. They are civically engaged members of their communities, towns and regions.”

Now the Consortium is ready to hire its first staff member! Jump to our page for Job Seekers to learn more and apply today!


Welcome our new Board President!


MEEA Changemaker named 2019 Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Foundation Healthy Food Champion