We Are Finding Freedom Workshop: White Women+ Taking On Our Own White Supremacy (Copy) (Copy) (Copy) (Copy)

We Are Finding Freedom Workshop: White Women+ Taking On Our Own White Supremacy (Copy) (Copy) (Copy) (Copy)

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This online 5-part workshop is open to white female, trans and genderqueer folks** brought together by the Maine Environmental Education Association, Maine Math and Science Alliance, Southern Maine Conservation Collaborative, Maine Initiatives and The Ecology School.

How does internalized white supremacy in my body, emotions, spirit and relationships keep me from bringing my full self to ending structural racism?

Finding Freedom is a workshop that aims to deepen our individual and collective understanding of how we as white women are complicit with white supremacy, how we can make changes to live more deeply and consistently into our racial justice commitments, and how we can move ourselves and other people in our networks to join the fight for racial, economic and gender justice right now.

The workshop will take place October 16, October 23, October 30, November 6, and November 13 from 4-6:30pm, with 1-2 hours of grounding activity between sessions (readings, connecting with other participants, or small action steps). Participants must attend Session 1 in order to participate in future sessions.

**All women and gender expansive, nonbinary and trans workshop participants, as well as mixed-race and white-presenting people of color, who are interested in exploring their personal intersections of white womanhood and white supremacy are welcome to join us. The categories of “white” or “woman” might not be exactly how you define yourself, and many workshop participants who don't fit those labels neatly have gotten so much out of this space.

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We Are Finding Freedom Workshop: White Women+ Taking On Our Own White Supremacy (Copy) (Copy) (Copy)

We Are Finding Freedom Workshop: White Women+ Taking On Our Own White Supremacy (Copy) (Copy) (Copy)

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This online 5-part workshop is open to white female, trans and genderqueer folks** brought together by the Maine Environmental Education Association, Maine Math and Science Alliance, Southern Maine Conservation Collaborative, Maine Initiatives and The Ecology School.

How does internalized white supremacy in my body, emotions, spirit and relationships keep me from bringing my full self to ending structural racism?

Finding Freedom is a workshop that aims to deepen our individual and collective understanding of how we as white women are complicit with white supremacy, how we can make changes to live more deeply and consistently into our racial justice commitments, and how we can move ourselves and other people in our networks to join the fight for racial, economic and gender justice right now.

The workshop will take place October 16, October 23, October 30, November 6, and November 13 from 4-6:30pm, with 1-2 hours of grounding activity between sessions (readings, connecting with other participants, or small action steps). Participants must attend Session 1 in order to participate in future sessions.

**All women and gender expansive, nonbinary and trans workshop participants, as well as mixed-race and white-presenting people of color, who are interested in exploring their personal intersections of white womanhood and white supremacy are welcome to join us. The categories of “white” or “woman” might not be exactly how you define yourself, and many workshop participants who don't fit those labels neatly have gotten so much out of this space.

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We Are Finding Freedom Workshop: White Women+ Taking On Our Own White Supremacy (Copy) (Copy)

We Are Finding Freedom Workshop: White Women+ Taking On Our Own White Supremacy (Copy) (Copy)

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This online 5-part workshop is open to white female, trans and genderqueer folks** brought together by the Maine Environmental Education Association, Maine Math and Science Alliance, Southern Maine Conservation Collaborative, Maine Initiatives and The Ecology School.

How does internalized white supremacy in my body, emotions, spirit and relationships keep me from bringing my full self to ending structural racism?

Finding Freedom is a workshop that aims to deepen our individual and collective understanding of how we as white women are complicit with white supremacy, how we can make changes to live more deeply and consistently into our racial justice commitments, and how we can move ourselves and other people in our networks to join the fight for racial, economic and gender justice right now.

The workshop will take place October 16, October 23, October 30, November 6, and November 13 from 4-6:30pm, with 1-2 hours of grounding activity between sessions (readings, connecting with other participants, or small action steps). Participants must attend Session 1 in order to participate in future sessions.

**All women and gender expansive, nonbinary and trans workshop participants, as well as mixed-race and white-presenting people of color, who are interested in exploring their personal intersections of white womanhood and white supremacy are welcome to join us. The categories of “white” or “woman” might not be exactly how you define yourself, and many workshop participants who don't fit those labels neatly have gotten so much out of this space.

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Building a Culture of Teaching Outside Workshop: Monson, ME

Building a Culture of Teaching Outside Workshop: Monson, ME

Includes breakfast, lunch, educator gifts and $100 stipend!

Join us Oct 28th in Monson or Nov 4th in East Machias to connect with other educators, build your skills and dig into resources! In these workshops, you will explore strategies to support taking students outside, foster a conversation to support long-term change, and navigate available open-source resources.

Register here


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We Are Finding Freedom Workshop: White Women+ Taking On Our Own White Supremacy (Copy)

We Are Finding Freedom Workshop: White Women+ Taking On Our Own White Supremacy (Copy)

Register here


This online 5-part workshop is open to white female, trans and genderqueer folks** brought together by the Maine Environmental Education Association, Maine Math and Science Alliance, Southern Maine Conservation Collaborative, Maine Initiatives and The Ecology School.

How does internalized white supremacy in my body, emotions, spirit and relationships keep me from bringing my full self to ending structural racism?

Finding Freedom is a workshop that aims to deepen our individual and collective understanding of how we as white women are complicit with white supremacy, how we can make changes to live more deeply and consistently into our racial justice commitments, and how we can move ourselves and other people in our networks to join the fight for racial, economic and gender justice right now.

The workshop will take place October 16, October 23, October 30, November 6, and November 13 from 4-6:30pm, with 1-2 hours of grounding activity between sessions (readings, connecting with other participants, or small action steps). Participants must attend Session 1 in order to participate in future sessions.

**All women and gender expansive, nonbinary and trans workshop participants, as well as mixed-race and white-presenting people of color, who are interested in exploring their personal intersections of white womanhood and white supremacy are welcome to join us. The categories of “white” or “woman” might not be exactly how you define yourself, and many workshop participants who don't fit those labels neatly have gotten so much out of this space.

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Increasing Trail Access Workshop

Increasing Trail Access Workshop

  • Capital Area Technology Center / Cony High School (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Register here

Cost is $50

What does it look like to create trails and outdoor spaces that are more inviting, inclusive, and supportive of people living with different disabilities? This workshop combines a series of presentations, hands-on adaptive equipment use, and in-field trail assessments. Participants will spend time out on the Augusta Nature Education Center's trail system.

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We Are Finding Freedom Workshop: White Women+ Taking On Our Own White Supremacy

We Are Finding Freedom Workshop: White Women+ Taking On Our Own White Supremacy

Register here


This online 5-part workshop is open to white female, trans and genderqueer folks** brought together by the Maine Environmental Education Association, Maine Math and Science Alliance, Southern Maine Conservation Collaborative, Maine Initiatives and The Ecology School.

How does internalized white supremacy in my body, emotions, spirit and relationships keep me from bringing my full self to ending structural racism?

Finding Freedom is a workshop that aims to deepen our individual and collective understanding of how we as white women are complicit with white supremacy, how we can make changes to live more deeply and consistently into our racial justice commitments, and how we can move ourselves and other people in our networks to join the fight for racial, economic and gender justice right now.

The workshop will take place October 16, October 23, October 30, November 6, and November 13 from 4-6:30pm, with 1-2 hours of grounding activity between sessions (readings, connecting with other participants, or small action steps). Participants must attend Session 1 in order to participate in future sessions.

**All women and gender expansive, nonbinary and trans workshop participants, as well as mixed-race and white-presenting people of color, who are interested in exploring their personal intersections of white womanhood and white supremacy are welcome to join us. The categories of “white” or “woman” might not be exactly how you define yourself, and many workshop participants who don't fit those labels neatly have gotten so much out of this space.

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Mini-Grant Applications Due!

Mini-Grant Applications Due!

Apply for the 2023-2024 mini-grants here.

Are you looking for funding to support outdoor learning in your classroom or school? Apply for $1500 to support outdoor learning in the 2023/24 school year! Maine public school educators are eligible to apply. If you are a community organization that works with public schools, we encourage you to collaborate with your school partners to apply as well! Applications due by October 13th.

If you would like to be a grant reviewer, please contact anna@meeassociation.org for more information.

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Federal Resume Workshops Hosted by Acadia National Park

Federal Resume Workshops Hosted by Acadia National Park

Applying for a Federal job is different than applying to jobs in nearly every other industry. These free Federal Resume Workshops will provide prospective seasonal employees with the tools to successfully submit a job application to Acadia National Park. In partnership with Mount Desert Island Adult Education and Ellsworth Adult and Community Education.

Register here

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2023 EPA Environmental Education Grants Webinar

2023 EPA Environmental Education Grants Webinar

Register for the 2023 Environmental Education Grants Webinar

Thursday, October 12, 2023, 1:00-2:30 pm ET

Planning to apply for an EE Grant? Join EE Grant Program staff on a webinar where we will discuss how to write a competitive application and address commonly asked questions related to the 2023 EE Local Grants Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO). The presentation slides, transcript and/or a recording will be posted on the website following the webinar. Questions? Email eegrants@epa.gov.

Register for the webinar here.

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Educator Meet Up in Orrington, ME

Educator Meet Up in Orrington, ME

Educator Meet Up in Orrington, ME @ Center Drive High School

Register here

Hosted by MEEA and Outdoor Education Teacher Gil Maxwell

This gathering is an opportunity to learn about the Outdoor Ed program at CDS, network with other area outdoor and environmental educations, and take home resources you can use at your school. FREE! All are welcome and encouraged to attend, snacks will be provided. Please register here so we will know how many folks to expect. Questions? Email anna@meeassociation.org.

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Indigenous Peoples’ Day Rally with Wabanaki Alliance

Indigenous Peoples’ Day Rally with Wabanaki Alliance

Monday, October 9th @ 9:30am at the Augusta Statehouse

Rally outside of the Maine State House in Augusta as we demonstrate in support of Wabanaki self-determination and Yes on 6, on the ballot this November 7. Question 6 requires Maine Indian Treaty Obligations to be included in official printed copies of the Maine Constitution.

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Building a Culture of Teaching Outside Workshop: Washington Academy, East Machias, ME

Building a Culture of Teaching Outside Workshop: Washington Academy, East Machias, ME

Includes breakfast, lunch, educator gifts and $100 stipend!

Join us Oct 28th in Monson or Nov 4th in East Machias to connect with other educators, build your skills and dig into resources! In these workshops, you will explore strategies to support taking students outside, foster a conversation to support long-term change, and navigate available open-source resources.

Register here


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4 Seasons of Indigenous Learning - Outdoor Learning Store
to Oct 2

4 Seasons of Indigenous Learning - Outdoor Learning Store

This initiative encourages and empowers educators to deepen their understanding of Indigenous knowledge and perspectives while strengthening connections with the local land. 

There is an incredible line-up of Indigenous presenters, including: 

  • Robin Wall Kimmerer

  • Kevin Lamoureux

  • Dr. Niigaanwewidam James Sinclair

  • Dr. Christopher Horsethief

  • Joe and Sophie Pierre

  • Bonnie Harvey

  • Smokii Sumac

  • Ariana Roundpoint

  • Doug Anderson 

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2023 NBEC Network-Wide Convening

2023 NBEC Network-Wide Convening

We are excited to be hosting the NBEC Convening this summer on the beautiful grounds of Viles Arboretum.

After hearing feedback from the last convening, we're excited to host a longer convening this year, and one that's outdoors. Looking forward to seeing you there!

NBEC network convenings are where we come together as a network to both foster collaboration between participants, and engage in collective decision-making about our network's focus and direction.

We welcome educators, students, advocates, and others passionate about expanding access to outdoor learning to gather at Viles Arboretum to build interpersonal connections, deepen a shared understanding of systems change, and participate in building the network's working strategy and policy priorities for 2023-2024.

Register here: https://www.nbeconsortium.com/2023-convening

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to Aug 8

AMC Teaching Outdoors with Community Science

August 7th- 8th, 2023

Medawisla Lodge in Greenville, ME

Free two day teacher training on “Teaching Outdoors with Community Science”. Come see hands-on place based activities that you can use with your students, collect and interpret local data using community science tools, and explore the AMC! Lodging, meals, curriculum, and a $50 travel stipend provided.

RSVP by emailing sperkins@outdoors.org

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Conservation For All Grant Webinar

Maine Community Foundation has opened the 2023 Conservation for All grant cycle. Conservation for All funds projects or organizations that create or facilitate access to and use of land and/or water for marginalized and historically excluded communities. MCF will host an informational webinar Wed., August 2nd 12-1 pm. Registrants will receive the recording afterwards.

Learn more here: https://www.mainecf.org/apply-for-a-grant/available-grants-deadlines/conservation-for-all/

Register for the webinar here: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_ig1d0eERSwe1cWkAgBEpUQ#/registration

Read about previous grantees here: https://www.mainecf.org/apply-for-a-grant/recent-grants/conservation-for-all/

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Youth Climate Activist Support Space

Tuesday, July 25 6 - 7:15PMMonthly on the 4th TuesdayVirtual, on Zoom

We know that the realities of climate change can lead to anxiety and depression in the lives of young people. We also know that youth climate and environmental activists experience high rates of burnout and fatigue. MYCJ is providing this free, virtual, community space to help support youth and build community care. This space is open to any youth in Maine under the age of 30. You do not have to be a MYCJ member or identify as an activist to join.This is a recurring group space, but there is no pressure to attend more than one call!

Register here!

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Summer Hike with Maine Youth for Climate Justice

Summer Hike with Maine Youth for Climate Justice

Anyone under the age of 30 is welcome to join us, wether you're a current MYCJ member or someone interested in getting involved! These hikes will be about building community and meeting other young people working towards a livable future. Hikes will begin around 11am and will take roughly 3 hours to complete. We will plan to eat lunch at the top of each mountain.

June 16th - Mount Blue, Weld, ME

July 21st - Mount Megunticook, Camden, ME

Aug 18th - Bradbury Mountain, Pownal, ME

Sept 15th - Dorr Mountain, Bar Harbor, ME (Acadia National Park)

Oct 20th - TBA​

Sign up here!

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Tour The Ecology School at River Bend Farm

Tour The Ecology School at River Bend Farm

We invite you to The Ecology School at River Bend Farm! Choose from one of the selected dates this summer and join us for a beautiful walk around our campus. Tours will begin at 10am and will last anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour depending on comfortability with walking the landscape.

Slight hill inclines, gravel, grass, and dirt paths can be a part of this tour. Please let us know if you have any mobility concerns or questions.

Sign up here!

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Rural Youth Organizing: Community Resilience in Maine's 'Civic Deserts' with  JustME for JustUS

Rural Youth Organizing: Community Resilience in Maine's 'Civic Deserts' with JustME for JustUS

Join us on July 20th from 7-8:30 at Patagonia Freeport and learn about how JMJU's Rural Youth Organizers are shifting power and funding throughout rural Maine! This is a free community event with opportunities to engage with the discussion and to directly support our work. There will be pizza, refreshments, and product giveaways!

Learn more here.

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Boothbay Region Land Trust Open House for Educators

Boothbay Region Land Trust Open House for Educators

Calling all teachers! Did you know BRLT offers free environmental education to local youth? Our experienced Environmental Educator can work with you to craft a custom field trip or schoolyard visit to support your classroom curriculum. Stop in during our open house at Oak Point Farm to see the indoor and outdoor learning spaces, natural playground, story trail, nature kit learning program, and menu of free classes.

To register for this open house please fill out the form at this link: https://bbrlt.org/event/open-house-for-educators/

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Diversify Whitewater Community River Float

Diversify Whitewater Community River Float

  • 30 Old County Rd Veazie, ME 04401 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Who? You identify as Black, Indigenous, a Person of Color, Queer, or an ally and would like to join this event as a participant. No experience paddling or equipment is necessary to participate!

Join Diversify Whitewater, a nonprofit organization that works to share the beauty of paddling with Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC), and Allies, for a Community River Float on the Penobscot River in the Greater Bangor Area. Participants will learn the basics of water safety and paddling techniques for packrafting, kayaking, and canoeing, and will hear stories of river history, environmental pollution, cleanup, and environmental justice movements. No experience or equipment is necessary to participate!

The Diversify Whitewater Community River Float & Penobscot River cultural introduction, is being put on by Packraft Maine, The Kindling Collective, Skowhegan Outdoors and local paddlers. Participants will meet at Veazie Salmon Club at 10:00am and then walk to the put-in spot on the river to begin the day of paddling. All groups will be guided by river professionals and expert paddlers. Refreshments will be provided for participants along with a chance to win some awesome prizes. This event is 100% FREE for all attendees!

Please contact Alejandro Strong at acstrong@packraftme.com with any questions or to cancel your reservation. We're stoked to see you on the Penobscot!

Diversify Whitewater acknowledges, with respect, that this event will be taking place on Wabanaki lands (unceded).

Register here.

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Summer Naturalist Series with Maine Outdoor School: Nature Journaling

Summer Naturalist Series with Maine Outdoor School: Nature Journaling

Join our 10-part Summer Naturalist Series on Mount Desert Island from June-October. Each program will feature 3-hours of educational and explorative content on a new topic and at different locations throughout MDI. Every program will take place from 2:30-5:30 pm on Friday afternoons. Exact locations will be sent upon registration.

Suggested participant age of 12+, but all ages and experience levels are welcome.

Register for one for $26, or all ten for $200

Register Here

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Summer Ecology Academy @ The Ecology School - START DATE

Summer Ecology Academy @ The Ecology School - START DATE

The Ecology School’s state-of-the-art River Bend Farm Campus will act as a home base for campers as they explore and deepen their understanding of Maine ecosystems. Rising 5th-9th grade campers will enjoy The Ecology School’s exciting and game-filled teaching style while learning about what makes Maine’s ecosystems so special. Living and learning together, the Academy’s campers will live in buildings designed for tomorrow while they are immersed in learning about the state of our ecosystems today.

Four 1-Week Sessions:

7/2 - 7/7 - Coastal Science & Marine Trades

7/9 - 7/14 - Forestry Stewardship & Career Pathways

8/6 - 8/11 (FULL) - Coastal Science & Marine Trades

8/13 - 8/18 - Coastal Science & Marine Trades

Registration is Open! Sign Your Camper Up Today!

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